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Configure Platform & Email Notifications for Partners

Notifications keep you informed about events happening in your account. Learn how to configure your notifications and customize their frequency.

How notifications work will send you notifications via email and in-app for the following events by default:

  • Administrative events, like when new users are invited or join

  • Finance events, like when your payouts clear

  • Brand events, like when actions occur, contracts are updated, and more

  • Technical events, like when your FTP or API credentials are requested or changed

Configure your notifications

You can customize your notification settings to receive them on a per-event basis; via daily, weekly, or monthly email digests; on your mobile device via SMS; or even not at all.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select bell-solid.svg [Notifications] to view your notifications.

    • Alternatively for Creator accounts, in the upper-right corner of the page, select bell-solid.svg [Notifications] to view your notifications.

  2. In the upper-right corner of the notification slide-out, select cog-solid.svg [Settings].

  3. Find the notification category you want to edit, then select pencil-alt-solid.svg [Edit].

  4. Use the angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] to modify the notification's frequency.

    • For each notification, you can select Specific settings (Advanced) to specify the frequency and method of delivery at a more granular level.

  5. Select Save to apply your changes.

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