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Upload Product Promotion Files

The Product Promotions feature allows you to share your special offers and promotions with partners. These promotions will be accessible to partners on their product feeds, product APIs, and’s product marketplace, where partners will see a Special offer tag displayed on the products. Partners will also be able to filter for products on promotion.


Important: You'll need to have an active product catalog before you can begin. For help creating your first product upload, see Add Product Catalogs.

Upload a promotion file

  1. From the left navigation menu, select engage-icon__v69b8313.svg [Engage] → Content → Products → Product Promotions.

  2. In the upper-right corner, select Upload Promotion File.

  3. Enter your Promotion File Name.

  4. Select the Direct Upload method.

  5. Select the file Format.

    • only supports Google Merchant Center (TXT format) i.e. .txt and Google Merchant Center (CSV format) i.e. .csv files.

    • Refer to the Product promotion feed field reference below for more information on these fields.

  6. Select Choose File.

    • Locate the file you want to upload from your computer.

  7. Select your preferred Language and Save.

Product promotion feed field reference

Expected fields




ID [promotion_id]


The unique ID of each promotion.

This ID is in number format and should not contain spaces or symbols, e.g., 103330482.

Applicability [product_applicability]


This attribute specifies if the promotion applies to all products or only to specific products.

Supported values:

  • all_products

  • specific_products

Note: can only map the promotions in your Google promotions feed file external-link-alt-solid.svg with specific products in your product catalog if your product feed includes promotion_id. In other words, you cannot have the specific_products value if your product feed does not include promotion IDs.

Description [long_title]


The full title of each promotion.

The maximum length of the title is 60 characters. E.g., Free mug with purchase.

Effective [promotion_effective_dates]


The period for the promotion.

  • The start and end dates are separated by a forward slash (/).

  • The date format is (YYYY-MM-DD), followed by the letter ‘T’, the time of day when the sale starts or ends, and an expression of the time zone for the sale.

  • Example: 2009-07-19T03:00:00+00:00/2009-07-26T21:00:00+00:00

Display [promotion_display_dates]


This attribute specifies the date and the time frame when the promotion will be live.

The start and end dates are separated by a forward slash (/), e.g., 2009-07-19T03:00:00+00:00/2009-07-26T21:00:00+00:00.

Channel [redemption_channel]


This attribute indicates that the promotion is valid online or in-store.

Supported values:

  • online

  • in_store

Offer Code Type [offer_type]


This attribute indicates whether or not a coupon code is required for customers to redeem the offer.

Supported values:

  • no_code

  • generic_code

Important: If the value for this attribute is generic_code, then generic_redemption_code is required.

Offer Code [generic_redemption_code]


This attribute specifies the code that can be used online to redeem the promotion.

The maximum length is 20 characters, e.g., EXTRA20.

Destination [promotion_destination]


This attribute specifies the format of each promotion.

Supported values:

  • Shopping_ads

  • Buy_on_Google_listings

  • Free_listings

To submit your promotion to one or more destinations, submit each destination value as a separate column.

Troubleshoot error and warning messages

View errors and warnings

On the Product Promotions screen, under the Health column, select errors or warnings to see more information about the error, like the error type or error message. See Manage Your Product Promotion Files for more information on the Health of your promotion file.

image idm45641999310912
Search and filter errors

You can click into the file errors and warnings and use the search field and filters to sort through all the uploaded promotion file's errors.

image idm45641999306144

Error Type filters include:

  • All

  • Warning

  • Error

  • Duplicate

Error and warning messages

Error Message


Required field(s) missing:{Required field}

One or more of the required fields are missing in the upload file.

Records skipped due to an expired effective date

The promotion's effective end date is in the past and that record is skipped.

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