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Create & Edit Creator Resources

This article covers configuring your Branded Creator Portal and is not relevant to the app. Contact us to learn more.

Creator resources are any additional content like guidelines, templates, and help material that might be insightful and useful to creators.

Important: You have to host the resources and have access to a URL to add them to your resources page.

Create a resource

  1. In the upper-right corner, select your <Name> angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down]Admin.

  2. From the left navigation menu, select Creator resources.

  3. toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle on] the Creator Resources section.

  4. Select plus-circle-solid__1_.svg Create resource.

  5. Complete the following information:

    • Title: (Required) The name of the resource.

    • Subtitle: (Required) A secondary title for the resource.

    • Resource description: (Required) A brief introduction to the content.

    • Resource url: (Required) The URL where the resource is hosted.

    • Resource image: (Required) The image displayed on the resource card. Image requirements:

      • File format: .png or .jpg

      • Resolution: 72 PPI

      • Aspect ratio: 1:1

    • Position: (Required) The order of the resources from top left to bottom right.

    • Status: Whether you display or hide the resource.

  6. Select Create.


Edit your resources

  • In the Creator Resources section, toggle-off-solid__1_.svg [Toggle off] to hide this section in your top navigation menu.

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