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Pause Creator Campaign Applications

When you pause campaign applications, new creators won't be able to apply to a campaign during the paused period. Pausing applications is useful when you receive an influx of applications and need time to review them.

Only the following creators can still proceed with their applications when a campaign is paused:

  • Creators who have been invited can still accept or negotiate campaign invites.

  • Creators who have already applied or are in negotiation can view and edit their proposals.

  • Creators who have already applied or are in negotiation can still be hired if a campaign is paused.

  1. From the Campaign Manager screen, hover over the campaign for which you want to pause applications, then select Manage Campaign.

  2. In the upper-right corner, select [Menu] [More]Pause New Applications.

    • You'll see a [Pause] [Pause] icon next to your campaign name.

    • You can repeat the steps and select Resume New Applications if you want to continue receiving new applications.

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