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Does Issue Bank Charge Refunds?

Ordinarily, does not issue refunds related to bank charges you incur when making deposits to fund your account. If you are making a USD deposit from a USD bank account based in Singapore, there are some things to keep in mind to prevent unnecessary bank charges from being levied.

Reasons why bank charges may be levied

Incorrect payer selection

When wiring a USD deposit from a USD account in Singapore specifically, you are prompted to select 1 of 3 options to indicate who will cover the bank charges:

  • OUR

  • SHA

  • BEN

You should always select "US (OUR)". If you select "Shared (SHA)" or "They (BEN)", cannot refund you for bank charges accrued.

Intermediary fees

In some cases, brands making deposits from Singapore are charged twice due to intermediary fees being levied. It is possible to avoid these fees by using the correct SWIFT code.


To avoid being charged intermediary fees, use the the SWIFT code HSBCSGSG when making your deposit.

Incorrect account

Brands making deposits from accounts not based in Singapore may also be charged intermediary fees in some cases. This occurs when the bank account into which you are depositing has a different currency than your own.

It is possible to avoid these fees by directing deposits into one of's local accounts, i.e., an account based in your region.

Other reasons

If the issue is not related to either of the above reasons, our treasury team will gladly work with you to solve the issue. We will require the following information from you:

  • Currency of the bank account from which funds are being sent (i.e., USD, SGD, etc.)

  • Your bank name and localization

  • Currency of your contract

  • Currency of the account into which the funds will be received (i.e., USD, SGD, etc.)

  • Approximate value of the bank charge fee

  • How many intermediary banks are used for this payment and which banks these are (you will need to obtain this information from your bank)

Once you have obtained the above information, contact support so that we can investigate and work with you to resolve the issue.

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