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Top Paths Report

The Top Paths Report shows you the most popular conversion paths in your program. All conversion path steps aren't captured — the report only shows conversion paths of 9 steps or less. This report is best used to investigate trends you've found in other reports. See Top Paths Explained to learn more.

Access the top paths report

This feature is only available with the Optimize add-on. Click here to get the add-on!
  1. From the left navigation bar, select optimize-icon__v4346847.svg [Optimize].

  2. From the left navigation bar, select Funnels → Top Paths.

  3. Under Top Paths, you can filter for the data you want to view. Select search-solid.svg [Search] when you have the filters in place that you want.

    • View the Filter reference for more information.


    Note: The Top Paths Report only shows paths that include at least one interaction with one of your partners. If you want to see paths that do not necessarily include your partners (e.g., Email → Google AdWords → Direct), reach out to your CSM or contact support.

    Filter reference



    Date Range

    Filter data by when it was created. You can also compare two periods of time against each other.

    You can pull a maximum of 366 days of data. However, you can still perform Year-over-Year reporting by selecting compare to {Previous year}.

    If you want to pull more than 366 days of data, you will need to run the report multiple times with different date ranges.

    Data older than 2 years may be periodically archived.

    Insights Level

    Select how you want to group together your consumer path insights for the report.


    If you have consumer path models set up, select the specific model you want to view consumer path data for.

    Event Type

    Select which event type you want to view consumer conversion paths for, or select All to view data for all your event types.


    Select which steps you want to view consumer data for.

    If your report mentions Unknown Referral, then wasn't able to pinpoint who drove the consumer to purchase — this is likely due to the customer going directly your site on a "fresh" browser that doesn't have's tracking cookie.


    Select what partners you want to view consumer path data for.


    Limit consumer path data to only the paths generated from particular partners.


    Limit consumer path to only paths that particular partners contributed to. This can include introducing and closing partners.


    Limit consumer path data to only paths that particular partners closed, i.e., the last click.

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