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Campaigns Performance Summary Report

The Campaigns Performance Summary report contains performance metrics like the number of active creators, the amount of content posted, clicks, conversions, revenue generated, and more, grouped by campaign.

Access the report

  1. From the left navigation bar, select ReportsMore Reports.

  2. Select Beta from the Category filter.

  3. Select Campaigns Performance Summary.

  4. Below Campaigns Performance Summary, you can filter for the data you want to view. Select search-solid.svg [Search] when you have the filters in place that you want.

    Filter reference table



    Date Range

    Filter data by when it was created. You can also compare two periods.

    You can query a maximum of 366 days of data. However, you can still perform Year-over-Year reporting by selecting square-regular.svg [Unchecked box] compare to {Previous year}.

    If you want to query more than 366 days of data, you will need to create multiple reports.


    Select 1, multiple, or all campaign(s) for which you want to see data.


    Add data from a selection of choices. These data points will get added to the table report under the graph after you select search-solid.svg [Search].

    Data points explained



    Campaign Id

    The campaign's unique identifier on the platform.

  5. Customize the report view and choose between viewing the trend graph, data table, or comparison graph.

    The trend graph enables you to filter your report according to the core group of metrics that drives the highest value. This view provides the selected metric’s daily trends over a specific date range.

    1. Select the angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] in the upper-right corner, then, choose a metric.

    2. Alternate between the trend_graph.svg [Line]bar_graph.svg [Bar], and treemap.svg [Treemap] views by selecting the relevant icon.


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