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Incrementality by Partner Report

The Incrementality by Partner report helps you see how much incremental value partners are contributing to your program and breaks down the figures offered on the Incrementality Dashboard.

Access the Incrementality by Partner report

This feature is only available with the Optimize add-on. Click here to get the add-on!
  1. From the left navigation bar, select optimize-icon__v4346847.svg [Optimize]Participation Value.

  2. Then select Incrementality.

  3. From the Incrementality Dashboard, select any partner name from the High Incrementality Partners or Low Incrementality Partners section to open the Incrementality by Partner report.

  4. Adjust filters to suit your needs and select search-solid.svg [Search].

    • Set the Partner filter to All to see Incrementality metrics for all your partners.

    • See the Filter reference section below for more information on the filters.

    • See the Report column reference section below for more information on the data displayed in the report.

Filter reference



Date range

Filter for a specific date range of data.

Select a date range with a minimum of 30 days to get statistically significant insights.


Select whether you want to see figures relating to Revenue or Actions driven by partners.


Filter results by Partner Groups.

Customer Status

Filter results by the type of customer. You can choose to view All, New, or Returning customers.

Minimum Participations

Filter results by a volume threshold of actions driven.

Event Type

Select the event type(s) for which you want to view partner contribution data.


Add data columns to your report's table, like Cost, Incremental Actions, Incremental Revenue, Credited Actions, and Credited Revenue.

Report column reference




The partner whose performance data is displayed in that row.


The partner group(s) to which the partner belongs, if any.

Participate Participate Revenue

The number of conversions the partner was involved in or the amount of revenue the partner helped drive for the chosen date range.

  • Select the number of conversions to see all the related conversions the partner participated in and their conversion paths.

% Introduce

The percentage of times the partner drove the first click in the conversion path.

% Influence

The percentage of times the partner drove a click other than the first or last click in the conversion path.

% Close

The percentage of times the partner drove the last click in the conversion path.

% Solo

The percentage of times the partner was the only partner that drove clicks in the conversion path.

Incremental %

This percentage is calculated as the total credit assigned to the partner by the incrementality model divided by the total number of times the partner participated in a conversion.

CPA (Cost per action)

This is calculated as the total action cost divided by the number of credited actions.

Adjusted CPA

This is calculated as the total action cost divided by the number of incremental actions.

CPA Diff %

The percentage difference between your CPA and Adjusted CPA figures.

ROAS (Return on ad spend)

This is calculated as the credited revenue driven by the winner crediting model divided by the total action cost.

Adjusted ROAS

This is calculated as the incremental revenue calculated by the incrementality model divided by the total action cost.

ROAS Diff %

The percentage difference between your ROAS and Adjusted ROAS figures.

Credited Actions

The number of actions credited to the partner in the chosen date range.

Incremental Actions

This is the number of incremental actions credited to the partner by the incrementality model.

Action Cost

The cost during the chosen date period to have each partner drive actions for you.

Credited Revenue

The amount of revenue driven by this specific partner during the chosen date period.

Incremental Revenue

The amount of incremental revenue that was credited to the partner by the incrementality model.

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