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Behavior Report

The Behavior report offers aggregate customer-level data based on an Insights Level, like your partners, by ad, and more. This report is useful for analyzing the conversion behavior of your customers. It can help identify which of your partners, ads, deals, etc. are the most successful and lead to the quickest conversions


Run the behavior report

This feature is only available with the Optimize add-on. Click here to get the add-on!
  1. From the left navigation bar, select optimize-icon__v4346847.svg [Optimize].

  2. In the left navigation menu, select Audience → Behavior.

  3. Below Behavior, you can filter for the data you want to view. Select search-solid.svg [Search] when you have the filters in place that you want.

    • View the Filter reference table below for more information.

    • You can use the icons at the top-right of the page to icon-pinNEW.svg pinicon-emailNEW.svg scheduleicon-downloadNEW.svg download (in PDF, Excel, or CSV format), or icon-ftp.svg export the report (via API).

    Filter reference



    Date Range

    Filter data by when it was created. You can also compare two periods of time against each other.

    You can pull a maximum of 366 days of data. However, you can still perform Year-over-Year reporting by selecting compare to {Previous year}.

    If you want to pull more than 366 days of data, you will need to run the report multiple times with different date ranges.

    Event Type

    Select the event type(s) for which you want to view data, or select All to view data for all your event types.

    Insights Level

    This sets the level that you want to track behavior data on:

    • Ad - Select this option to compare behavior data across all of your ads tracked by

    • Channel - Select this option to compare behavior data across all of your channels tracked by

    • Customer Status - If you're tracking customer status (e.g., New, Existing, etc.), you can view behavior data across different statuses.

    • Deal - Select this option to compare behavior data across all of your deals tracked by

    • Partner - Select this option compare behavior data across all of your partners on This is the default option for this report.

    • Partner Groups - If you're using partner groups, select this option to compare behavior data across all of your partner groups.

    Interaction Type

    This sets the type of interactions you want to see behavior data for:

    • Closer - Select this option to see behavior data on the insights level that closed an action (i.e., last click).

    • Influencer - Select this option to see behavior data on the selected insight level when an influencer was part of the action lifecycle.

    • Introducer - Select this option to see behavior data on the selected insight level that introduced the ad to the user (i.e., first click).

    • Participant - Select this option to see behavior data on the selected insight level when it was a participant in the action lifecycle (i.e., it didn't introduce or close).

    • Solo - Select this option to see behavior data on the selected insight level when it was the only driver in the full action lifecycle.


    Use the angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] to select specific partners to see if they participated in the action lifecycle based on the insights level & interaction type you've selected.


    Show: The data point will get added to the table report under the graph after you select search-solid.svg [Search].

    • Single-Step - The number of single-step conversion paths per day for a partner.

Access the report data

You can view the report data as a trend graph or table and compare certain metrics.

The trend graph enables you to filter your report according to the core group of metrics that drives the highest value. This view provides the selected metric’s daily trends over a specific date range.

  1. Select the angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] in the upper-right corner, then, choose a specific metric.

  2. Alternate between the line, bar, and treemap views by selecting the view icon.


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