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Crediting Concerns Report

  • The Crediting Concerns Report details interactions between two partners in the same conversion path, showing how often and when customers engage with each partner, and whether one partner receives more credit for the conversion.

Access Crediting Concern Report

This feature is only accessible to specific editions or add-ons. Contact us to upgrade your account and get access!
  1. From the left navigation bar, select optimize-icon__v4346847.svg OptimizePayoutCrediting Concerns.

  2. Filter for the data you want to view. View the Filter reference table below for more information.

    Filter reference



    Date Range

    Filter data by when it was created. You can also compare two periods of time against each other.

    You can pull a maximum of 366 days of data. However, you can still perform Year-over-Year reporting by selecting square-regular.svg [Unchecked box] compare to {Previous year}.

    If you want to pull more than 366 days of data, you will need to create multiple reports.

    Insights Level A/B

    Select by which insight you want to review data in the report. Changing this filter will change how data is aggregated.

    • Channel - See how well the different channels contributed to your program, e.g., Organic Social vs. Affiliate vs. Paid Search.

    • Group - Track how each group (e.g., Cashback, Influencers, Mobile) contributed to your program.

    • Partner - See participation metrics by partner.

    Event Type

    Choose the event type(s) for which you want to view partner data, or select All to view partner data for all your event types.

    Partner A/B

    Select the partner for which you want to view contribution data, or select All Partners to view contribution data for all your partners.

    Group A/B

    Select the partner group(s) for which you want to view contribution data, or select All Partners to view contribution data for all your partners.

    Last Interaction Diff (sec)

    Select last Interaction diff (secs) to view all interactions where there is a specific time gap, measured in seconds, between the partner’s most recent consumer touchpoint and the conversion.


    This data point will get added to the table report under the graph after you select search-solid.svg [Search].

    • Range of Interaction: The average number of days a partner participated in the conversion paths.

  3. Add or remove columns from the report table using the dontuse.svg [Columns] icon at the top-right of the report.

    Column reference



    Insight Level A/B

    The number of Insight Levels that generated data for a given row, such as different partners if "Partner" was chosen as the Insight Level filter, would represent the various partners that generated contribution data.

    Partner B Involved (%)

    The number of conversion paths in the selected time frame in which both Partner A and Partner B appear, divided by the number of paths in which only Partner A appears.

    Partner B Involved (#)

    The total number of conversions in the selected time frame towards which both Partner A and Partner B contributed.

    Partner B Credited When Involved

    The percentage of conversions for which Partner B received credit, out of all conversion paths that contained both Partner A and Partner B.

    Partner A/B Interactions

    The number of touchpoints by the partner in an average conversion path divided by the total number of touchpoints in an average path that includes the partner. For instance, if there are eight total touchpoints in the average conversion path, and Partner B has an average of two, Partner B Interactions will be 25%.

    Note: Only paths that include at least one touchpoint for the relevant partner will be included in this calculation.

    Partner A/B Last Interaction

    The average amount of time that elapses between the partner’s last consumer touchpoint and the conversion, measured in hours.

  4. Optionally, use the icons at the top-right of the page to icon-pinNEW.svg pin, icon-emailNEW.svg schedule, icon-downloadNEW.svg download (in PDF, Excel, or CSV format).


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