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Placements Report

This report offers an overview of partners that promote you, their brand safety, usage of unapproved terms, whether they are contracted to you, and more.

Manage the Placements report

  1. From the left navigation bar, select protect-icon__v076c455.svg [Protect] → Monitoring → Web.

  2. Search for Partners or Domains using the Search bar.

  3. Filter through placements by using the filters under the Web heading.

    • For more information on the filters, see the Filter reference below.

    Filter reference



    Placement Issues

    Filter Partners by non-compliant placements (Only Issues), compliant placements (Only Non Issues), or All placements.

    Brand Safety

    Filter Partners by their Brand Safety concerns.

    Unapproved Terms

    Filter Partners that have made placements that contain Unapproved Terms that you specified when setting up Web Monitoring.

  4. You can add or remove columns from the report using the columns icon near the top-right of the report.

    • For more information on the columns in this report see the Column reference below.

    Column reference




    The domains that host placements made by a Partner.


    The Partner who is responsible for the placements.


    The platform upon which the placements were made. E.g. Web, mobile, social, etc.


    Is this partner contracted to your brand on


    The number of placements made by this partner that mention your brand and the number of issues found in those placements (if any exist).


    The terms used in placements by this partner that flagged their placements as Brand Mentions of yours, as specified in your Web Monitoring set up.

    Brand Safety analyzes the sentiment of the placement content and then classifies the content according to brand safety categories as defined by the IAB that represent a significant reputation risk to any Brand.

    Unapproved Terms

    The terms used in placements by this partner that were flagged as Unapproved Terms, as specified in your Web Monitoring set up.

View details about Partner placements

You can drill down into a Partner’s placements to better understand why their posts are being flagged and see the issues (if any exist) that caused them to be flagged in the first place.

  1. Select the number of placements in the Placements column to see Issues relating to that Partner’s posts.

  2. On the Web screen, hover your cursor over a Partner’s row and select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [Menu] → View to see all posts by that Partner.

    • From the resulting screen, you can filter through the posts to see issues relating to Brand Safety or Unapproved Terms.

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