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Edit Your Widget or Microsite HTML for Advocate

You can add custom HTML and CSS to your Advocate program's microsite and widgets

You can edit the HTML or CSS to make further customizations to your microsite using the built-in HTML editor. While the HTML editor allows for additional flexibility in microsite design, keep in mind that we are unable to troubleshoot any adjustments made with custom HTML or CSS.

  1. In the left navigation menu, select Content.

  2. On the microsite card, select Edit content.

  3. In the Microsite tab, select the layout or page whose code you want to edit.

  4. Select chevron-left-solid.svgchevron-right-solid.svg [Code view] in the top menu bar and make your edits in the code.

  5. To leave code view and see the effects of your code changes, select the brush-solid.svg [Paintbrush] to return to the microsite editing interface.

  6. Select Save to save your code edits.

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