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Propose New Contract Terms to Brands

If you want to update your existing contract with a partnered brand, you can propose a new contract to them. Doing so will notify the brand of your proposal, and you can view the proposal's status on the Proposals screen when you select the Sent filter.

Note: Proposing a new contract to a brand you already have an existing contract with will not automatically change the contract's terms. The brand must also agree to the new terms before they take effect.

Create a contract update proposal

  1. From the top navigation menu, select Brands → My Brands.

    • Alternatively for Creator accounts, from the top navigation menu, select Discover → My Brands.

  2. Select the brand card for the brand to which you want to propose new terms.

  3. Under the brand's name, select More angle-down-solid.svg → Propose Contract.

    • In case you want to reference your current contract terms with the brand, you can open View and Manage Contract in a separate browser or tab to view them.

  4. Fill out the proposal.

    • View the Terms reference section below for more information on each field.

  5. Select Next.

  6. Select the date on which you want the new contract to begin.

    • Remember that the brand must first accept the proposal before it can begin.

  7. Optionally, set a proposal expiration date and any comments regarding the proposal.

  8. Select Send.

Terms reference

Note: Some options on this screen are only available if your partnered brand has multiple event types to track actions you drive. These options will be marked as (Multiple Event Types Only). Not all options will be available regardless of how many event types your partnered brand has.

Standard terms




From the drop-down menu, select the currency in which you want to be paid out. View which currencies supports.


This is the default payout that you will receive per action or click you drive.

You will also select the payout amount (if you chose Fixed) or percentage amount (if you chose Percentage) here. Note that click event types can only pay out Fixed amounts.

Payout Groups (Multiple Event Types Only)

Toggle if you want to set up custom payout groups. These will change the default payout to the one you set up here if an action characteristic (like the Referral URL) matches the payout group.

Payout Adjustments (Multiple Event Types Only)

Toggle if you want to adjust the default payout if an action you drove matches a certain event characteristic. Similar to payout groups, payout adjustments alter the default payout. However, instead of changing the payout outright (as is the case for payout groups), payout adjustments will raise or lower the default payout by a specified amount or percentage.

Performance Bonus

Toggle if you want a performance bonus clause. If you enable this, you'll need to set up 3 performance components:

View performance components

Performance Component



(Type Choice) Increase payout for all actions (retroactively) in a given month

All actions, regardless of when they were generated in a given month, will have the performance bonus applied to them.

(Type Choice) Increase payout for all subsequent actions in a month

Any actions you drive after the bonus requirements have been met (e.g. after you drove 1000 actions in that month) will have the performance bonus applied to them.

(Type Choice) Pay a fixed amount

Receive a lump sum payout for achieving your bonus goal.

Based On

Select if you want your bonus to be based on your driven Actions or Revenue. Note that the bonus can only be based on Revenue if you chose Pay a fixed bonus for the bonus's Type.


Enter the goal actions/revenue for the bonus to activate. If you want to add more tiers to the bonus structure, select plus-circle-solid__1_.svg [Add] Add Tier.

Actions and revenue contribute to all tiers, so to properly stack your tiers, make the goal action/revenue higher as you add them.

For example, a bonus structure with 2 tiers might have Tier 1's goal be 1000 actions and Tier 2's goal be 2000 actions. In this case, Tier 2's goal should never be 1000, as both tiers would activate at the same time.

Payout Restrictions (Multiple Event Types Only)

Toggle if you want to set up action characteristics that, if applicable to a given action for this event type, will not generate a payout for you. Being a type of payout adjustment, payout restrictions nullify your payout for an action if a characteristic you set up here is present in the action.

Limits (Multiple Event Types Only)

Set up this term if you want to limit the number of actions eligible for payout or limit the general payout you can receive in a given period. If you enable this term, do the following:

  • Select whether the number of actions or the general payout will be limited.

  • Enter the number of actions or the payout amount at which the limit will be set.

  • Select whether the limit applies globally for the contract (All), on a per-customer basis, or on a per-click basis.

  • Select how often the limit resets.

  • Toggle whether the limits will not apply on weekend days if the limit resets daily. Toggling this on will allow you to go over the limit on weekend days.

    • If you enable this, enter the weekend limit.

For examples, see the Action Limit (Single Event Type Only) and Spend Limit (Single Event Type Only) sections below.

Action Limit

Toggle if you want to limit the number of actions for which you can be paid out in a given cycle. If you enable this term, enter the number of actions for the limit and how often the limit resets.

For example, you can set the Action Limit to only pay out for the first 5000 actions every quarter.

Spend Limit

Toggle if you want to limit the payout amount for which you can be paid out in a given cycle. If you enable this term, enter the payout amount for the limit and how often the limit refreshes.

For example, you can set the Spend Limit to only pay out a max of $5000 every quarter. The currency used will match the currency you chose in the Currency section.

Action Locking

Set the action locking period for any action you drive. Select the locking window (e.g., Single Month) and set how many months and days after that locking window ends that the action locks.

For example, if you drive an action on January 10th and on January 17th and you chose for actions within 15 days after that period ends, both actions would lock on February 15th.

Note: This setting is tied to your brand's account funding strategy, so consider setting this term to how your partnered brand has it set up when proposing new terms.

Payout Scheduling

Set the payout scheduling period for any actions you drive.

If you choose to be paid at a different time from when the actions lock, you'll need to select 1 of 3 options. Note that the examples below are for actions generated in January, had a locking window of Single Month, and that the actions locked 15 days after January ended (so February 15th).

Note: This setting is tied to your brand's account funding strategy, so consider setting this term to how your partnered brand has it set up when proposing new terms.

Payout scheduling options




Pay actions on the square-regular.svg [Insert date] of the month after they locked.

All actions that were locked in a given locking window will be paid out on a set date in the month after they were locked.

Actions that are locked on February 15th will be paid out to you on a set date in March.

Pay actions square-regular.svg [Insert date] day(s) after they locked.

All actions that were locked in a given locking window will be paid out a set number of days after they were locked.

Actions that are locked on February 15th will be paid out a chosen number of days after February 15th.

Pay actions square-regular.svg [Insert date] month(s) and square-regular.svg [Insert date] days after they lock.

All actions that were locked in a given locking window will be paid out a set number of months and days after they were locked.

Actions that are locked on February 15th will be paid out a chosen number of months and days after February 15th.

Credit Policy

Choose how the brand's partners will be selected to receive credit for driving actions. For example, partners are typically credited for driving the action if they drove the Last Click of the action (e.g., a customer selecting Place Order at checkout).

Click Referral Period/Referral Window

Enter how many days after you drove traffic to a site (e.g., they clicked through an asset you are hosting) that you can still be credited for driving the action.

Example: If you are hosting a clothing store's asset on your website and set this period to 30 days, traffic that clicked through your hosted asset has 30 days to complete a transaction on the clothing store's website for you to be credited with driving the action.

Recurring transactions

Select whether you can be credited for driving actions resulting from identical transactions.

Example: If you are hosting a clothing store's asset on your website and you selected Do not allow recurring transactions, you would only be credited for one transaction even if one customer you referred to the website purchased the same t-shirt 4 separate times within the click referral period.

Advanced terms



Change Notice Period

Any term updates must have at least a 3-day notice period, but you can extend this period if desired. This period will begin after your partnered brand accepts the new terms.

Reversal Policy

In the event that a brand reverses an action you drove, set how the action's payout is returned to the brand (and how much, if applicable).

Action Limit

This term should be set to the same configuration you set up in the standard term Action Limit above.

Spend Limit

This term should be set to the same configuration you set up in the standard term Spend Limit above.

Minimum Earnings

This guarantees a minimum payout for each click.

You can enable whether you would receive a minimum earnings-per-click (EPC) per month. After you enable this setting, enter the minimum EPC you want to receive per month. EPC will only appear if your partnered brand uses a cost-per-click (CPC) program.

When enabled, at month's end, if the total action payout is less than the total number of clicks multiplied by the guaranteed minimum cost per click, you will receive a payout for the difference.

Placement Fees

Toggle whether you want to receive a fee from the partnered brand for having an active contract with you. If you choose to do so, you will need to select 1 of 3 options for receiving those fees:

Placement fee options



Upon the acceptance of these terms, media partner earns

As soon as your partnered brand accepts these new terms, they owe you the amount entered.

When first action is completed, media partner earns

As soon as your first action locks after these terms are accepted by your partnered brand, they owe you the amount entered.

Each month, media partner earns

Your placement fees will be invoiced to the brand on the same action locking and payout scheduling periods as the event type for the contract. If the contract contains multiple event types, placement fees will follow the schedule that results in the latest payout date.

Tracking Pixel

Toggle whether you can place your own partner piggyback pixel on a partner brand's confirmation page. To use these pixels, 2 requirements must be met:

  • The partnered brand must use pixel tracking (non-pixel tracking means no pixel exists to piggyback off of)

  • You must have your own system, separate from, that can receive and ingest the pixel's information.

Event Postbacks are much more reliable than piggyback pixels and much less prone to incorrect data being sent to you. Consider using postbacks instead of piggyback pixels.

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