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Manage Your Brand Program Term Proposals

After you have joined a brand's program, both you and the brand can suggest new contract terms. This is done by creating a Proposal. These proposals can be managed on the Proposals screen.

Note: While you and your partnered brand can both propose changes to contracts, brands can replace contracts without your approval. If this occurs and you are unsure why a contract's terms are being replaced, contact your partnered brand.

View, filter, and sort your proposals

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Brands angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu]Proposals.

    • Alternatively, for Creator accounts, from the top navigation menu, select Discover → Proposals.

    • From here, you can filter for certain proposal conditions, sort your proposals by various measures, view information on the brands with which a proposal exists, and manage proposals.

  2. Under Proposals, you can use filters to only view proposals you want to:





    Select if you want to view proposals that you have Received or that you have Sent to a partnered brand.


    Choose if you want to view All proposals, New proposals, or Counter proposals.

  3. Select long-arrow-alt-down-solid.svg [Sort] to indicate how you want your proposals ordered.

    • To reverse the sort order (e.g., to go from viewing the highest Sale Payout % to the lowest sale Payout %), first select the measure by which you want to view your invitations, then select that measure again. A downward-facing arrow represents a descending order (i.e., lowest number/latest date first), and an upward-facing arrow represents an ascending order (i.e., highest number/oldest date first).


View more information about a brand

  1. On the Proposals screen, select one of the listed brands.

  2. A Brand Card will come up, enabling you to easily review information about the brand. See the Process a proposal section below once you are ready to accept, reject, or counter the brand's offer.


Download Proposals

You can download a CSV file with information about your proposals, but you cannot bulk update proposals at this time.

  1. To the left of a brand's logo, select square-regular.svg [Unchecked box]. Do this for all proposals you want to include in the CSV file.

    • If you want to download a CSV of all proposals, then under Proposals, select square-regular.svg [Unchecked box] → Select All.

  2. Under Proposals, select download-solid.svg [Download] CSV.

    • View the File reference below to learn more about the information in the downloaded file.

    File reference

    Table Column


    Campaign Name

    The name of the program (formerly campaign) that you are invited to join.


    A legacy rating system.

    Partner Status

    Whether you would be a new or returning partner to the program.

    Received Date

    The date on which you received the invitation.

    Expiration Date

    The date on which the invitation expires.

    Deal Status

    Whether the invitation contains a new set of terms or a counter-proposal of terms.


    What you are paid out when you drive an action for the program.

    Performance Bonus

    Any additional bonuses you can receive for hitting a goal. If no such bonus exists, N/A will appear.

    Click Referral Period

    This column tells you when your click referral window expires.

    When a user clicks or interacts with promotional material that you show them, the Click Referral Period begins. The Referral period ends either once a conversion is made (e.g., a sale) or once a set period of time has passed. This period of time is called the Click Referral Period.

    Action Locking

    How long it will take for an action to lock after you're credited with driving it. Brands cannot modify or reverse actions once they are locked. Learn more about the action locking period.

Process a proposal

After you review the brand behind a proposal, you can accept, decline, or counter the proposal terms.

  1. To Accept a proposal, hover over the brand and select Accept at the end of the row.

    • You will be taken to the proposal terms. Review the terms and select Actions → Accept.

  2. To Reject a proposal, hover over the brand and select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] at the end of the row.

    • Select Reject. The proposal will be removed from the Proposal screen and you will be taken to a screen where you can create a counter-proposal if you wish.

  3. To Counter a proposal, hover over the brand and select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] at the end of the row.

    • Select Counter. You can view countered proposals on the Proposals screen by selecting Sent from the Receiver filter in the upper-left corner


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