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Create & Edit Special Terms

Special terms enable you to customize and define your relationship with your partnered Brand and negotiate default terms. You’ll be able to state that you’re interested in joining a program if certain aspects of the terms are modified. These aspects could include the offer amount (e.g, commission, incentives) and the duration, exclusions, or inclusions of special terms and conditions.

Once you’ve created your special terms, they must be included in your contract proposal to an existing brand.

Create special terms

  1. From the left navigation bar, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

    • Alternatively for Creator accounts, in the upper-right corner of the page, select user-circle-solid.svg [User Profile]  → Settings.

  2. Under General, select Special Terms.

  3. In the upper-right corner, select Create New Special Terms.

  4. Enter the following information:


    Provide a descriptive name for your special terms.


    Select the type that best describes your special terms. Choose the General Terms if the other options aren’t the right fit.

    Special terms type categories
    • General Terms: Terms that fall outside of the specified special terms listed below.

    • Email Terms: The scope and frequency of email programs and acceptable list usage.

    • Copywriting Terms: Wording guidelines such as restricted words and adjacent copy.

    • Paid Search Terms: Keyword bidding restrictions.

    • Search Engine Optimization Terms: Domain name and meta tag usage requirements.

    • Trademark Terms: Acceptable or restricted use of branded terms.

    • Approval terms: Require that certain marketing activities are approved prior to use.


    Provide a detailed description of what your special terms entail by using the WYSIWYG editor.

  5. Select Save.

Edit special terms

Warning: When you edit existing Special Terms, any of your Template Terms that include these terms will be updated, and Brands will be notified of the change. Special terms that are not on any active template terms can be edited without updating template terms.

  1. Navigate to your Special Terms screen.

  2. Hover over the special terms you want to edit, then, select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] → Edit.

  3. After you’ve implemented the changes, select Save.

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