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Manage General Finance Settings as a Brand

Your General Finance Settings are where you can set a contact that will be used as the default option when electing to email documents in the Document Settings screens; select if Monthly Close Reports should reflect actions in the month when they're reported or when they are locked; and review your funder type.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select [Menu] [Settings] → Finance.

  2. From the left navigation menu, select Settings → General.

  3. Review and make your changes.

    • Primary Finance Contact: Add or change your primary finance contact.

    • Monthly Closing Report: Select the version of the report that best suits your needs. To access the report, from the Finance navigation bar, select Reports, then choose the report type.

    • Funder Type: View what funder type your account has been set up with. Some funder types will adapt functionality appropriately to prevent use of the system that is contrary to this implied funding method. For example, if the account has the Funder Type of “SOI Funder - Fund based on invoices”, you will not be able to perform an immediate transfer to a partner as these invoices are generated monthly.

  4. Select Save.


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