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Assign Primary Finance Contact

Your primary finance contact will be the primary contact point for your account for any billing issues.

This user needs to be invited to your brand account and granted the Finance permission, giving them access to invoices, payment request forms, and more. Learn how to invite users to your account.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select [Menu] [Menu] → Finance.

  2. On the left, select Settings → General.

  3. In the Finance Contacts section, under Primary Contact, either select an Existing Account User or enter the information of an Other Contact.

    • The contact you select becomes the default email recipient for any documents you've chosen to have emailed. However, contacts can be updated on a document-by-document basis. Updating the primary contact in your General Finance Settings does NOT update finance contacts on documents that have already been set up to be emailed.

      Learn more about updating document settings for specific documents in our other help docs about Fees Document Settings, Partner Fees Document Settings, and Funding Account Document Settings.

  4. Select Save.

Want to manage other account permissions? Learn how to edit access rights.

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