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Manage Fees Document Settings

The Fees Document Settings screen lets you review and set your preferences for your invoices. This screen is only available to the billing group that you’ve designated for fee payments.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select [Menu] [Menu] → Finance.

  2. On the left, select Settings → Billing Groups.

  3. Hover your cursor over the billing group that pays your fees.

    • If you have multiple billing groups set up, then review the Fees column to find which is responsible for the invoices.

  4. Select [Menu] [More] → Fees Document Settings.

  5. Review your selections and make any changes.



    Currency & Fonts

    • Select if you want to have currency codes on your financial documents.

    • Select if you want to have Chinese, Japanese, or Korean fonts on your financial documents.

    Vendor Code

    Specify the organization vendor code you'd like displayed on the invoice.

    Email Finance Contacts

    Select if you'd like to email the invoice to contacts.

    By default, the contact listed here is the primary finance contact for your account (at the time the billing group was created). You can change it to someone else if desired.

    Alternate Billing Address

    [Toggle on] [Toggle on] to add an alternative billing address other than the default.

  6. Select Save.


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