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Save Reports as a Partner

When viewing any report, you can edit the default view using the filters provided and save that view for future reference. This is useful if you regularly want to view report data within specific timeframes or with specific filters in place.

Save a report

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Reports → More Reports.

  2. Select any report you would like to edit.

  3. Once you have made your changes, select Save.

  4. In the Save View window, fill out:




    Add a descriptive name for this saved view.


    [Toggle on] [Toggle on] Default to Set this as your default view for this report.

    This saved view will become the new default view for this report type. You can always view the original report view under ReportsMore Reports.


    [Toggle on] [Toggle on] Public to Make this view available to other users for this account.

    If the report is set to public, it will appear for other users under ReportsSaved Reports.

  5. Select Save.

View your saved reports

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Reports → Saved Reports.

  2. Select the report name of the saved report you want to view.

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