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View & Customize Reports for Partners

Once your account and tracking links are setup, you are ready to maximize your traffic by managing your data. There are numerous reports available from all the data that was captured.

  • Head to Reports → More Reports to browse all reports available.

Reports are useful to track your account performance, asset performance, or track the actions you're driving for brands. Reports can be customized, saved, and scheduled to fully automate your account reporting and ensure you always have an up-to-date view of your account.

Reports can also be pinned to the Reports [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu] in the top navigation bar—see the All Reports article for details.

This article shows some of the basics for reports—many of the reports you'll run have similar controls and options.

Customize graphs & tables

You can customize virtually any report to show only the data you want, and then easily save, email, schedule, and export it into a variety of formats.

For reports with a trend graph view, select Screen_Shot_2018-10-30_at_11.23.28.png [Graph] to switch between a line graph, bar graph, or square pie chart. Select the [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu] within the trend graph to change the graph metric from the available options.

Select [Column] [Columns], found in the upper right corner of the table, to show and hide different columns.

If you want to save your customizations, select Save. View the article on Saved Reports for details on saving and viewing saved reports.

If you want to download a report, select delete [Columns] in the top right corner and choose a file format.

Common report metrics

Column Header



Action Date

Date when the action occurred

You can click on the + sign next to the action date for more details

Action ID

Unique ID generated for this specific action

Click on the ID to see every data point that was captured (action details)


Joined campaign linked to the action

Action Tracker

The action tracker that links the action to your account and the specific campaign.

There are different types of action trackers, each could have their own rules. Review your contract to familiarize yourself with these rules.

Lock Date

The date that the action locks and subsequently becomes payable.

Payout dates are determined in your insertion order.

Status Detail

Applicable when the status of an action has to be manually updated by the advertiser.

This is most commonly used where bookings are involved.

Sale Amount

Total sale amount of the action.

Action Earning

Total possible commission.


This column is only used when reversals or modifications have been made.

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