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Approve a Promo Code Monitoring Violation

Once all of the required work for a violation is complete, you can approve the violation to finish and close it out.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select delete ProtectViolations.

  2. On the Violations screen, hover over the violation you want to approve and select Edit.

  3. Next to Violation Information, find the Status dropdown and select Approved.

    • See the Status reference table below for more information.

  4. Select Save Violation to save your changes.

    • Once the violation is approved and saved, an email and platform notification will be sent to the partner informing them of the approval.

Status reference




This status is for new violations where no action has been taken yet.

In Progress

This status indicates that a violation is in review and a course of action is still being decided.


This status refers to violations that have been reviewed and are waiting for more information before any next steps can be decided upon.


The process of this violation has been completed.


This status is for violations that have been found to break the policy agreement. An email and platform notification will be sent to the partner informing them of the violation.

Quality Assurance

This status is for violations that have been reviewed and are in the process of being reviewed by a second person within the organization.


This status is for violations that have not been found to break policy terms or agreements.


This status is for violations that are not well-founded, authentic, or conclusive.


This status is for repeat violations or violations you have dealt with before.

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