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Review Promo Codes

On the Promo Code Monitoring screen, you can select Review next to any promo code to view more information about a specific promo code or to log a violation.

Review promo code monitoring results

  1. From the left navigation menu, select [Protect] [Protect] → Monitoring → Promo Code.

  2. On the Promo Code Monitoring screen, hover over the right of a promo code and select [Menu] [More] → Review.

  3. The Promo Code and Promo Code Details sections show additional information.

    Promo Code reference




    Lists the domain that the promo code is associated with.

    Promo Code Display URL

    Lists the display URL of the promo code.

    Promo Code

    Lists the actual promo code value.

    Times Seen

    Lists how many times this promo code has been seen and on which dates.

    Promo Code Ad

    Lists the ad the includes this promo code.

    Promo Code Label

    Lists any applied promo codes — you can create new ones and remove existing ones in the text field.

    Promo Code Details reference




    Lists the policy that this promo code is a part of.

    Device Type

    Lists the device type the promo code is for.

    Promo Code Screenshot

    Lists a URL to view a screenshot of the promo code ad.

    Promo Code Click URL

    Lists the direct URL to click through to the promo code ad.


    Lists the amount of Search Engine Results Page where the promo code ad appears.

    Promo Codes' Location

    Lists where the location of the promo code ad is positioned on the page.

  4. The Decision section enables you to log a promo code violation for a specific partner — ensure you fill in the Violation Information section and select Create Violation.


Set up promo code notifications

You can set your notifications to notify you when a promo code violation occurs.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select [Notification] [Notifications].

  2. In the upper-right corner of the panel, select [Settings] [Settings].

  3. Under the Promo Code Compliance section, select [Edit] [Edit].

  4. From the Promo Code Violations drop-down list, select a notification delivery option.

    • Send email when an event occurs

    • Send a daily digest email

    • Send a weekly digest email

    • Send SMS

    • Specific settings (Advanced): This option lets you select separate notification settings for new violations and violation updates.

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