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Log a Promo Code Monitoring Violation

  1. From the left navigation menu, select [Protect] [Protect]Monitoring → Promo Code.

  2. On the Promo Code Monitoring screen, find the promo code you wish to log a violation for, then select Review.

  3. Navigate to the Decision section, then use the dropdown to set the Outcome to Violation.

  4. Complete the Violation Information section:

    Violation information reference


    Use the dropdown to select the error that this violation is regarding.

    Error Reason

    Use the dropdown to select the error reason for why the violation was logged.


    Use the dropdown to indicate the severity level of the violation — typically, more severe violations indicate the violation should be resolved quickly.

    Due Date

    Use the calendar & time drop-down menus to indicate the due date of the violation resolution from the partner.


    If relevant, use Choose File (or drag & drop) files that pertain to this violation (e.g., a screenshot of the violation itself).


    Use the text field to add comments about this violation. When set to Public, all parties (i.e., the partner, you, and other account members) will be able to see it. When set to Private, only you and your other account members (not the partner) can see it.

  5. When completed, select Create Violation at the bottom of the screen.

Automate creating violations

You can set up your policies to automatically create violations and assign them to partners for expired or non-authorized promo codes.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select [Protect] [Protect]Monitoring → Policies.

  2. Near the top-right, select Create Policy → Promo Code Monitoring.

  3. Give your policy a name and check Automatically create a violation if a contracted partner promotes a promo code that is: [search term].

  4. Once selected, a drop-down menu will appear from which you can choose to set automatic violations to be created for Expired and Not Authorized codes.


Learn more about creating and managing policies.

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