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Manage Your Account Information as a Brand

Some details from your account information appear in your Marketplace listing. Once filled in, your account information will offer prospective partners details about your industry and website, in addition to providing contact details for internal purposes.

Manage your account's information

  1. From the left navigation bar, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

  2. On the left, under Account → General, select Account Information.

  3. Find the information you want to manage and select pencil-alt-solid.svg [Edit].

    • Refer to Account information reference for more information.

  4. Make your changes.

  5. Select Save.

Account information reference

There are three areas of information that you can manage: Basic Information, Addresses, and Contacts.

Basic Information




Enter your brand's name into the field and select Save.


From the drop-down menu, select https if your website is served securely or http if it is not. Enter your domain name.


Select your industry from the drop-down list. You can further refine your industry using the secondary and tertiary drop-down lists.

Phone Number

From the drop-down menu, select the country from which your phone number originates, then enter your phone number. You can store up to 2 phone numbers on your account.


View the time zone that has registered for you. This cannot be changed.




Corporate Address

Enter your business's mailing address.


Designate specialized contacts for your account. You can add either an existing account user or a new contact.



Finance Contact

This person is your company's point of contact for financial matters. They handle finance-related concerns, such as payments or invoices.

Technical Contact

This person is your company's point of contact for technological concerns. They handle the technology implementation for your business.

Commercial Contact

This person is your company's point of contact for business dealings. They handle legal issues, contracts, and anything business-related.

Security Contact

This person is your company's point of contact for matters related to compliance and security policies. They handle security- and compliance-related issues for your business.

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