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Sub ID & Shared ID Parameters FAQs

Which links can I add Sub IDs and Shared IDs to?

All tracking links support Sub IDs and a Shared ID—including vanity links. Learn more about vanity links.

Are there character limits for Sub IDs and Shared IDs?

Yes, refer to the table below:






255 Characters



255 Characters



255 Characters



255 Characters

What are some common use cases for Sub IDs and Shared IDs?
  • Asset placements: Optimize asset placement by populating Sub ID values based on the location or type of asset.

  • Sub-affiliate networks: Track activity at the sub-affiliate level by populating PartnerId in the Sub ID or Shared ID field.

  • Cash-back and Loyalty programs: Attribute conversions to specific partners within cash-back and loyalty programs by populating MemberId in the Sub ID or Shared ID field. Learn how to add dynamic variables to tracking links.

How do I pass a value to a brand without tracking or reporting it?

These are considered "pass-through values" or "p." parameters, which can be added before any name={value} pair and instructs not to store the value. You would need to ask the brand to set up the metadata so that the "p." parameters will be auto-appended on all brand links.

For example, if you needed to pass a customerId, you could append &p.customerId=abc123 to any tracking link and it would be translated to the brand's landing page without collecting the value.

Example Scenario

Scenario: ACME Inc. has a promo code or offer. They would like to have the discount applied automatically on their website when a user clicks through a tracking link (i.e. without the need to manually enter a code). They also want to allow partners to deep-link to any part of their site.

Solution: ACME Inc. can configure their website to automatically apply the discount if the landing page URL contains a query string parameter offer=10off.

The brand can then configure a pass-through value.

Now the partner will be able to use the ad to deep-link to any page, and the resulting landing pages will always have offer=10off appended.

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