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Review Creator Campaign Tasks as a Brand

You can filter through all the tasks assigned to specific creators and review drafts and deliverables submitted by creators.

Find campaign tasks

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Campaign Manager → Creator.

  2. On the Campaign Manager screen, select the Active tab to view all your currently active campaigns.

    • Each campaign provides a summary of the most important insights, like who applied, who you invited, total tasks, and more.

  3. Hover over the campaign you want to manage and select Manage Campaign.

  4. On your selected campaign's screen, select Tasks.

    • Refer to the filter tasks section to easily filter through all your tasks.

      Filter by task status



      All Tasks

      All the tasks included in this campaign.

      Awaiting your review

      Tasks submitted by the creator that require your review. Tasks include drafts and deliverables.

      Not Started

      Tasks that creators have not yet started.


      Tasks that you have reviewed and marked as completed.

      Filter by task information

      Filter name


      Search bar

      Search by the creator's name, creator account ID, task name, or task ID.

      Task Type

      Filter by a specific task type:

      • Instagram Story or Reel

      • TikTok

      • Facebook Page

      • Twitch

      • Snapchat

      • Pinterest

      • Twitter/X

      • YouTube


      Filter by a creator you're partnered with.


      Filter by the task's review and approval status:

      • Rejected Deliverable: Final deliverables you rejected.

      • Pending Deliverable: Final deliverables awaiting your approval.

      • Rejected Draft: Drafts you reviewed and rejected.

      • Approved Draft: Drafts you reviewed and approved and ready to move to final approval.


Review task drafts, deliverables and metrics

Note:check-circle-solid.svg [Checkmark] next to DraftDeliverable, or Metrics means it is complete.

  1. Hover over a task and select View Task Details.

  2. From the task slide-out, view, review, and approve task drafts and deliverables that have been uploaded by creators.

    • You'll receive an in-app notification and an email when a creator saves a draft or submits a deliverable for a campaign.

    1. Select Draft.

      • Here, you can view all the previous drafts.

    2. Select the draft to view it in a new tab.

    3. Select Approve or Reject after reviewing the draft.

      • When you reject a draft, you have to provide a reason.

    4. Select paperclip-solid.svg  [Attachment] to add additional files or links or comment-regular.svg  [Message] to send an in-app message to the creator.

  3. Below Activity, view the activity log of the selected task.

    • The activity log provides a task history of when drafts and deliverables are submitted or rejected and when a creator submits social metrics.

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