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Cookies are small text files stored by your web browser, typically used to understand how visitors interact with your site, and can remember things like login details or site preferences.

Cookies are always tied to specific domains, such as your website (considered a “first-party cookie”), or to another website (like's tracking server, a “third-party” cookie). Certain cookies may be blocked by default in more recent browsers. Learn more about how is ensuring your Program is ITP compliant. uses cookies to link multiple events together and track the overall journey of a visitor for accurate attribution and reporting.


This cookie stores a unique UUID key to help identify a customer later. When a customer clicks on one of your ads from a Partner's site, they're typically directed to's tracking server, which places this cookie to initially identify them. The next time they click on one of your ads, can more easily identify this customer for attribution and reporting.

Life span

720 days


Tracking server


Approximately 40 characters

Cookie type


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