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Upload & Submit Performance Campaign Tasks

  1. From the top navigation menu, select BrandsFind Campaigns.

  2. Select the Participating tab.

  3. Hover over a campaign for which you want to upload or submit tasks, then select Manage Tasks.

  4. On the My Campaign Tasks screen, hover over a task and select View Task Details.

  5. In the task slideout, select whether you want to upload or submit a draft or deliverable.

    • When submitting task drafts or deliverables, you can upload up to 3 files with a total size limit of 350 MB.

    1. Select Draft.

      • Here, you can view all the previous drafts you've uploaded.

    2. Select Upload to upload a draft for review.

    3. Select Choose File to upload your draft, or enter a Google Drive or Dropbox URL.

    4. Select Submit.

      • You'll get a notification when the brand approves or rejects your submitted draft.

  6. Below Activity, view the activity log of the selected task.

    • The activity log provides a task history of when drafts and deliverables are submitted or rejected and when you submit social metrics.

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