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Manage User Information & Settings

Manage your personal information and account preferences with the My Profile screen.

Manage account settings

  1. From the left navigation bar, select your user-circle-solid.svg [User Profile] → Edit Profile.

  2. Adjust the setting you want to change.

    • See the User setting reference for the list of settings you can change.

  3. Select Save.

User setting reference

The user settings are split into five categories: Basic Info, Security, Public Profile, Email Alerts, and Digest Settings.

Basic Info reference

This category contains your profile information. Except for your marketplace email address, all of these settings are private.

User Setting


Email Address

The email address with which you will receive newsletters, alerts, and messages.


The password for your account, You cannot view your current password, but you can change it here.

Phone Number (2FA)

Your phone number. This number will be used for two-factor authentication.

Language Locale

Your preferred language. If you changed your preferred language, log out and back into the platform to see it in the new chosen language.

Send as email address

Connect your personal email to your account to send emails to prospective partners directly from your email address.

Marketplace Email Address

The email address that partners can reach you at.

Marketplace Email Forwarding

You can hide your email from the marketplace and just have messages sent to you through to your email address.

Newsletter Email Address

This email address will receive partner promotions and messages.

Security reference

This category contains your security and two-factor authentication (2FA) settings. Learn more about's 2FA.

User Setting


Default Verification Method

You can have multiple 2FA verification options enabled for your account. Use this dropdown list to select which method to use as the default.

Authenticator App

Set up or reset your authenticator app. Learn more about resetting the app.

Text Message

Set up or change your text message 2FA settings.

Email Address

The email address to which we will end security codes.

Devices and Activity

View recent devices and activity for your authenticated devices.

Public Profile reference

This category contains your basic information, like your name, and will be available to view in the Brands Marketplace.

User Setting


Profile Image

Upload your headshot or your company logo so other accounts can attach a face to your name.

First Name

Your preferred first name.

Last Name

Your preferred last name.

Work Number

The phone number you prefer other account holders to reach you at.

Cell Number

A secondary number that other account holders can reach you at.

Skype Handle

Your Skype handle.

LinkedIn Profile

The link to your LinkedIn profile.

Private Profile

You can hide your profile information, like your phone number, from other accounts.

Email opt-in

Toggle receiving emails from about upcoming webinars, events, industry reports, and more.

Email Alert reference

User Setting


Alternate Email

Add an alternate email address for all email notifications.

Digest Settings reference

These settings have to do with digest emails, which are automated messages that are meant to keep you informed of account events. These can require action, like reviewing contract proposals.

User Setting


Delivery Time

Select when you want to receive a weekly digest email. You can pick between five choices.

  • Morning (4 AM)

  • Midday/noon (12 PM)

  • Afternoon (5 PM)

  • Evening (9 PM)

  • Midnight (12 AM)

Time Zone

Pick what time zone you are located in. Learn what time zones we support.

Day of Week

Pick what day of the week you want to receive your weekly digest email.

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