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Manage User Access Groups

From the User Access Group screen, you can edit the setup of the various access groups you have created by, viewing archived access groups or set an access group as default.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select [Menu] [Menu] → Settings.

  2. Under the General section, select User Access Groups.

  3. Use the [Search] [Search bar] to search, or the Status filters to narrow down the results and find the user access group.

  4. Select [Column] [Columns] if you want to to add additional columns. See the Columns reference below for more information.

    Columns reference



    Group Name

    The name of the user access group.

    Users Assigned

    The number of users assigned to the access group.

    Created By

    The user who created the access group.

    Created Date

    The date the user access group was created.

    Last Updated By

    The user who last made adjustments to the user access group.

    Last Updated Date

    The date user access group was last updated.


    The current status of the user access group.

  5. Hover your cursor over the user access group you want to manage and select [More] [More] to perform one of the following actions:

    • Edit: Make adjustments to the user access group and select Save to confirm the changes.

    • Archive: To archive the user access group, select Archive to confirm the action.

    • Set as Default: To make this group your default user access group when inviting new users.

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