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View Shared Id Performance Data as a Brand

The Shared Id is an additional parameter that partners can add to your marketing content. Learn how to dynamically pay partners with the Shared Id.

View Shared Id performance data

There are 2 reports you can use to cross-reference your dynamic payout results and make sure partners are appropriately using Shared Ids:

Performance by Referring URL

The Performance by Referring URL report will show you performance data based on the actual referring URL, not the Shared Id value, that generated actions. This report is meant to serve as a reference point for the Advanced Action Listing report's results, as it does not include data on the Shared Id.

Here's where to find the report:

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Reports → More Reports.

  2. In the Name field, enter "Performance by Referring URL."

  3. Select search-solid.svg [Search].

  4. Under the filters, select the Performance by Referring URL report.

    • Optionally, you can pin the report under Actions.

  5. Use the Date Range and Partner filters to select for what time span and which partner you want to view performance data, then select search-solid.svg [Search].

This report will show you data like how many clicks were generated by a particular referring URL and how much in partner payouts were generated. Consider saving this report to more easily cross-reference its results or scheduling the report to be delivered to you in regular intervals (e.g., monthly).

Advanced Action Listing

The Advanced Action Listing report can show you many different data points, but you should set 2 specific filters if you want to use it to compare against data found in the Performance by Referring URL report. Learn where to find the report.

Here's how to set up the report:

  1. Select the same Date Range and Partner you selected in the Performance by Referring URL report.

  2. Set the Shared Id filter to the web domain that matches how you've entered it into a dynamic payout contract.

  3. From the Show filter's drop-down menu, select Referring URL.

  4. Select search-solid.svg [Search].

This will show you all the actions generated by a specific partner within the date range that includes the Shared Id value you entered. From here, you can check that the web domain matches the Referring URL, and can compare the Revenue totals from each report to discover any discrepancies.

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