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Performance by Day by Customer Status Report

The Performance by Day Customer Status report is the product of combining the Performance by Day and New vs. Return Customer Report. With this report, you can see the day-to-day action performance breakdown, separated by how you define customer status and have that status reported back to

Learn how to find out what your customer status mapping codes are.

Manage the report

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Reports → More Reports.

  2. Under More Reports, select Performance as the filter next to the search bar.

  3. Select Performance by Day by Customer Status Report.

  4. Below Performance by Day by Customer Status Report, you can filter for the data you want to view. Select search-solid.svg [Search] when you have the filters in place that you want.

    • View the Filter reference table below for more information.

    • You can use the icons at the top-right of the page to icon-pinLeft.svg pin, icon-email__vdf9ae08.svg schedule, icon-download.svg download (in PDF, Excel, or CSV format), or export the report icon-ftp.svg (via API).

Access the report data

You can view the report data as a trend graph or table and compare certain metrics.

The trend graph enables you to filter your report according to the core group of metrics that drives the highest value. This view provides the selected metric’s daily trends over a specific date range.

  1. Select the angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] in the upper-right corner, then, choose a specific metric.

  2. Alternate between the trend_graph.svg trend, bar_graph.svg bar, and treemap.svg treemap views by selecting the view icon.

Filter reference



Date Range

You can pull a maximum of 366 days of data.


Filter by data source.


Pick the partner(s) for whom you want to see driven action data.

Action Tracker

Set the event type (formerly, action tracker) for which you want to see tracked action data.


Set the currency in which you want to view report data. will convert the amounts to your selected currency.


Add data from a large selection of choices. These data points will get added to the table report under the graph after you select search-solid.svg [Search].

Data points explained

Data point


Cost-per-click (CPC) Quantity

The earnings by the individual clicks your traffic creates. Learn more about how CPC works.

Cost per Action (CPA)

Total Cost of Actions divided by number of actions.

Cost per Action (CPA) - Event Type

Total Cost of Actions divided by number of actions by event type.

Return on Investment (ROI)

This number represents Revenue divided by Total Business Cost.

Return on Investment (ROI) - Event Type

This number represents Revenue divided by Total Business Cost by event type.

Average Order Value (AOV)

The total revenue of sale actions divided by the number of sale actions.

Average Order Value (AOV) - Event Type

The total revenue of sale actions divided by the number of sale actions by event type.

Action Confirmed - Event Type

The number of conversions that have locked for this event type over the chosen time period by event type.

Action Open

The number of conversions that are pending over the chosen time period.

Actions Open - Event Type

The number of conversions that are pending over the chosen time period by event type.

Actions - Event Type

The number of conversions for this event type over the chosen time period by event type.

Action Confirmed

The number of conversions that have locked over the chosen time period.

Action Confirmed - Event Type

The number of conversions that have locked over the chosen time period by event type.


This number represents Revenue minus Goods Cost.

Margin - Event Type

This number represents Revenue minus Goods Cost by event type.

Total Business Cost

The total Cost of Goods plus Total Cost.

Total Business Cost - Event Type

The total Cost of Goods plus Total Cost by event type.


The discounted amount captured at conversion.

Discount Event Type

The discounted amount captured at conversion by event type.

Goods Cost

The total cost of products in the basket captured at conversion.

Goods Cost - Event Type

The total cost of products in the basket captured at conversion by event type.

Revenue - Event Type

The total revenue per by event type.

Reversed Revenue

The total revenue of Reversed Actions.

Reversed Revenue - Event Type

The total revenue of Reversed Actions by event type.

Reversed Actions

The number of conversions that have been reversed across your program.

Reversed Actions - Event Type

The number of conversions that have been reversed by event type.

Reversed Action Cost

The total Action Cost of Reversed Actions.

Reversed Action Cost - Event Type

The total Action Cost of Reversed Actions by event type.

Reversal Rate (RR)

The number of reversals divided by the number of Total Actions.

Reversal Rate (RR) - Event Type

The number of reversals divided by the number of Total Actions by event type.

Report data column reference




A specific date. All data for a particular row was generated on this date.

Customer Status

The type of customer (e.g., existing) that generated data for that row. Learn how to find out what your customer status mapping codes are.


The total number of conversions (sales, app installs, etc.) tracked for a particular day. This number excludes any reversed conversions.


The total revenue of all driven actions for this contract within the date range.

Action Cost

The amount of compensation paid to partners associated with a specific contract for driving the traffic that resulted in conversions.

Click Cost

The aggregated value of the amount due to partners for driving clicks.

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