Sometimes, prospects don't work out. When this happens, archive these prospects to prevent them from clogging up your Prospects screen. You have 2 ways to archive prospects:
Archive a prospect from the Prospects screen.
Archive a prospect when viewing their profile.
You don't need to view the prospect's profile to archive them.
From the left navigation menu, select
[Discover] → Prospects.
From the Prospects screen, find the prospect you want to archive.
Hover over their line in the table. At the right end of the line, select
[More] → Archive.
Read the warning message, then select Archive.
You can archive the prospect when you're reviewing their partner profile.
From the left navigation menu, select
[Discover] → Prospects.
From the Prospects screen, find the prospect whose profile you want to view.
Select their line in the table. Their profile will appear.
Review their profile as needed.
Read the warning message, then select Archive.