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Send a Proposal to a Prospect

You can send proposals to prospects at any time. The process to do so is similar to sending the prospect an email.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select discover-icon__vf08ef31.svg [Discover]Prospects.

  2. Hover your cursor over the prospect you want to send a proposal to, then select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More]Send Proposal.

  3. Fill out the proposal form. Regardless of how you send a proposal to the prospect, you must include the following details:

    Proposal Detail


    Template Terms

    The set of template terms to which you want the prospect signed.

    Contract Dates

    The dates of the contract. Select Ongoing for the Length of you don't want the contract to have an end date.

    Approval Options

    • Once the prospect has agreed to the terms, you can only select Propose.

    • Optionally, set an expiration date for the proposal and if the partner to be unable to counter the offer.


    Write a message that will appear with the proposal. Consider including why you want to work with this partner, how they'd benefit from working with you, or why this is a good proposal.

  4. Once you've filled in the fields, select Submit.


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