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View Prospective Partners

To view a specific prospective partner's profile:

  1. From the left navigation bar in the [Discover] [Discover] section, select Prospects.

  2. Find the partner whose profile you'd like to view and select that partner's name.


This will open up a modal with a range of partner information and insights you can explore further to decide whether the partner is a good fit for your brand. Have a look at the below table and sections for more information on what can be found:



Contract Stage

If you have proposed a contract to the partner, it should reflect a status here to show whether the partner has joined or not.

Relationship Stage

When adding a prospect to your list, the relationship status between that prospect and you will be reflected here. You should see one of three statuses:

  • New: Partners you've tagged as prospects, but have yet to email or send a proposal to.

  • Outreach: Partners to whom you've sent an email or message.

  • Negotiating: Partners without an accepted contract, including those awaiting a decision, those who haven’t accepted your proposal, those who countered your proposal, and those whose application you’ve countered.

  • Joined: Partners joined to your program.

  • Expired: Partners with expired contracts.

Assigned to

You can assign account users to prospective partners by selecting the field and selecting users from a drop list.


If you would like to group the partner into a certain category, you can do so here. Managing partner groups helps you organize your partners and helps find specific types by filtering when looking to invite partners to campaigns, etc. You can add groups by selecting the space to the right of the field.


If your partner has been assigned to any campaigns, those campaigns will be listed here.


If you have sent any survey invites to the partner, those surveys should be listed here. Surveys allow you to collect information from partners to improve or streamline your business. Learn more on how to create a partner survey.


A log of all activity relating to the prospect should be listed in this section. You also have the ability to add any internal notes or messages to potential partners that you want to store here, such as potential campaigns you had in mind for the partner, what caught your eye about them, etc.


In the Properties tab you'll find all the links to the partner's relevant social media profiles and web pages. Some of these properties might also display a Learn More option in the top right corner of the tile. You can select Learn More to view even further insights into that particular property.

Each property also has a verification status badge to help you quickly identify whether the partner has verified their ownership of that media property.

  • Verified: The partner successfully verified their ownership with

  • Not verified: The partner hasn't verified the property with, so we can't confirm whether they own it.

  • Verification not required: This property type doesn't require verification, e.g., LinkedIn.

Note: Verified properties might display a message that content and metrics aren't available on the property's overview. This can occur if it's been a while since the partner connected the media property to their account.


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