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Create Workflows to Automatically Process Partner Applications

Workflows can help automate your partner application processing by automatically accepting or rejecting applications based on criteria you set, as well as automatically assigning the partner to a group (whether you've accepted or rejected them). The criteria, which you can also change at any time, can be set to look at almost every part of a partner's profile, providing you with complete control over what kinds of partners do or do not join your program.

Caution: Rule conditions can’t be customized to a percentage of the audience. E.g., if you set the workflow to auto-accept on location, and the partner has 1% of their audience in that location, they will be accepted.

Create a Workflow

You can create as many Workflows as you need. However, your Workflows should be mutually exclusive from each other. For example, you should not have a Workflow that rejects partners for using the Deal/Coupons business model, but have another Workflow accept them for that.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select [Engage] [Engage] → Partners → Automation → Workflows.

  2. From the Workflows screen, select Create Workflow.

  3. Fill out all the relevant fields, then select Create.

    • View the Workflow form reference below for more information on filling out the relevant fields.

    • Gain more knowledge on Workflows by viewing our Workflow Best Practices and FAQs article.

    Workflow form reference



    Workflow Name

    Give your workflow a name.


    Describe the purpose of this workflow. Be descriptive here so you can easily understand what the Workflow is meant to do.


    The trigger is what will start the workflow, you can set this to Partner Application. Once set, the Workflow will run every time your program receives an application.


    Workflow conditions are essential to get right, as these are what must be met for the Workflow to take action. See the table below to view what parts of a partner's profile you can use to set up a Workflow condition.

    Condition components

    Condition component


    Business Model

    The way in which partners market your content to their audience.

    Marketplace Verified

    Set your workflow rule to only accept verified partners.

    Media Property

    What media properties a partner owns.

    Some partners define their media properties differently from how defines them. For example, what defines as a social media profile (e.g., a Facebook page) could be listed as a website by an Influencer partner on their profile.

    Follower/Subscriber Count

    You can set a condition to accept or reject partners based on their audience size.

    Set the type of social media property and then add a rule to accept or reject based on whether their follower/subscriber count is bigger or smaller than a set number.

    Audience Age

    Set the workflow rule to accept or reject the partner based on their audience age.

    You can choose the social media property and specify the age range to look for.

    Audience Gender

    Set the workflow rule to accept or reject the partner based on their audience gender.

    If you wish to work with a particular gender through a particular social media platform, use this rule.

    Audience Location

    Set the workflow rule to accept or reject the partner based on their audience location.

    This is particularly helpful when you're running campaigns through particular social media properties that are location-specific or -restricted.

    Partner Country

    The country in which the partner is located.

    Partner Size

    How big the partner is or how broad their reach is. Learn more about Partner Sizes.

    Use the has any of these qualifier when adding this condition to a Workflow since doesn't typically calculate Partner Size until after a partner has joined the platform. Also, any Workflows you create that include Partner Size as a condition will not process any applications to your program where the partner's Partner Size has yet to be calculated, regardless of how many other conditions in the Workflow the partner does match.

    Partner State

    In which U.S. state the partner is located. You can also select Americas Forces, Pacific Forces, Europe, Middle East, Canada, Africa and Canada Forces, and Other.

    Action Type

    Select the action(s) to be taken when all conditions are met. You accept or reject partner applications based on the rules you set and assign partners to groups once accepted.

    Activate Workflow Immediately

    Select [Checked box] [Checkbox] if you want the workflow to activate immediately after creating it.

    Alternatively, you can manually run the Workflow at a later time. See the Run Workflows section below.

When first adopting Workflows, you should double-check the outcomes of the Workflow to ensure the Workflow is processing applications how you want it to. You should also make sure your conditions and rules don’t contradict one another, e.g., setting the media partner property as Facebook but making one of the social conditions that the audience is on Instagram.

Run Workflows

The Run Workflows button allows you to process applications periodically to help reduce your application backlog. This may take some time if you need to process a lot of applications.

  1. From the left navigation, select [Engage] [Engage] → Partners → Applications.

  2. Select Run Workflows.

    • Once selected the button will grey out and you should see a pop-up message to inform you the workflows are running and processing applications for you.

Edit, activate, or delete a Workflow

  1. From the left navigation menu, select [Engage] [Engage] → PartnersAutomationWorkflows.

  2. Hover over the Workflow you want to take action on.

  3. On the right, select [More] [More] → {the action you want to take}.


View partner applications that were processed by Workflows

  1. From the left navigation, select [Engage] [Engage] → PartnersApplications.

  2. Select the Processed tab.

  3. Select Processed By filterWorkflows.

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