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Workflow Best Practices & FAQs

Workflows top questions

How can I keep track of accepted applications?

To keep track of which partners your workflow rules have accepted, create a partner group for each workflow and assign accepted partners to that partner group when creating or editing the workflow.

What are some good condition combinations to use when setting up workflows?

This depends on your business needs. Here are two sets of conditions that work well together:

Business Models, Partner Size, and Partner Country

Using these conditions, you can specify the size and type of partner you want to work with and where they should be situated.


Let's say you want to partner with large content publishers in the United Kingdom, you can set your conditions as follows.


Note: Include the Assign Group and Process Application action types.

Template Terms and Partner Country

Using these conditions, you can specify on which terms you want to work with partners in specific countries.


Let’s say you want to work with Coupon partners based in the US.


Note: Include the Assign Group and Process Application action types.

How do I undo workflow-processed partner applications?

Workflow creation best practices

Below are tips on how to best make use of workflows to process partner applications:

  • Keep Workflows mutually exclusive from each other. You can do this by ensuring that conditions across Workflows don't contradict each other. If Workflows aren't mutually exclusive, the action in the most recently updated Workflow will be used.

  • When you're first starting up with Workflows, have the Workflow add processed partners to a unique group so you can easily find them on the Applications screen with the use of the Group filter.

  • Keep your first few Workflows basic and broad, then get more precise with them as you get more comfortable with using Workflows.

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