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Performance by Full Referring URL Report

The Performance by Full Referring URL report breaks down which URLs, from your partners, are driving the most traffic to your site.

Manage the report

  1. From the left navigation bar, select ReportsMore Reports.

  2. Under More Reports, select Performance as the filter next to the search bar.

  3. Select Performance by Full Referring URL.

  4. Below Performance by Full Referring URL, you can apply additional filters to refine the data you want to view. Once you've set your filters, select [Search] [Search].

    • View the Filter reference table below for more information.

    • You can use the icons at the top-right of the page to Old delete pin, Old delete schedule or Old delete download (in PDF, Excel, or CSV format).

    Filter reference



    Date Range

    You can pull a maximum of 14 days of data.


    Filter by performance data by source.


    Select the partners for which you want to view data.

    Referring URL

    Enter the Referring URL for the source of website traffic.

    Referral Domain

    Enter the referring web address.


    Filter by partner groups.


    Set the currency in which you want to view report data. will convert the amounts to your selected currency.

View the report data

You can customize the report table by adding or removing columns. Use the [Column] [Column] icon at the top-right of the report to adjust your view.

Report data column reference



Partner ID

The unique identifier assigned to each partner by


The name of the partner for whom you are viewing performance data.

Referring URL

The referring web address associated with a particular row in the report.


The total number of clicks from a specific domain that directed the partner's audience to your landing page.


The number of orders generated by a specific partner.


The total sales revenue generated by partners from conversions associated with a particular domain.


The total payout for sales generated by partners from conversions on a specific domain.

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