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Create a Social Listener

Social Listening monitors specific keywords and hashtags to identify content that resonates with your brand. This feature is useful for recruiting creators making content that aligns with your target market.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select [Discover] [Discover]Social Listening.

  2. Select Create Listener.

  3. Enter a listener Name.

  4. In the Specify Channels section, use the [Checked box] [Checked boxes] to specify the social channel(s) on which you want to look for creator content.

  5. In the text box within the Channel Filter section, enter the hashtags, keywords, or mentions you want to identify.

    • You can select up to 3 keywords, hashtags, or mentions.

  6. Optionally, [Toggle on] [Toggle on] Enter hashtags or keywords to exclude. In the text box, enter the hashtags you want to exclude from your search.

  7. Select Save.


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