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Manage a Social Listener

Once you have created a social listener, you can perform various actions, such as editing and archiving social listeners or viewing social listening results.

Edit a listener

  1. From the left navigation bar, select [Discover] [Discover]Social Listening.

  2. Hover your cursor over the listener you want to make adjustments to, and select [Menu] [More]Edit.

  3. Add or remove social channels and channel filters.

  4. Select Save.

Archive a listener

You can Archive a listener and Reactivate it in the future.

  1. To archive a social listener: Hover your cursor over the listener you want to archive and select [Menu] [More]Archive.

  2. To reactivate a social listener: Hover your cursor over the listener you want to reactivate and select [Menu] [More]Reactivate.

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