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Microsite Templates Explained

Microsites are purpose-built miniature websites that only give participants access to program information. They’re built using the visual editor. Each microsite supports having multiple pages. When you use Auto setup to create a microsite, sets up a basic site structure with distinct layouts and pages for signed-in and signed-out participants. Additional layout and page templates are also provided to those who want to add more to their site.

See Microsite Editor Explained for more info about what Layouts and Pages are, and how they can be branded.

Layout templates

Layouts are containers for microsite pages. You can add components that you want to appear consistently across all pages within the layout—like headers and banners. Auto setup microsites come with pre-made layouts, but you can add more. The three template options are:

  • Base Layout - for overall content.

  • Logged In Layout - for signed-in participants.

  • Logged Out Layout - for public access.

Page templates

There are a variety of page templates as well.

This page acts as the dashboard for logged-in customer advocates within your microsite. It includes:

  • Program explainer section

  • Program statistics

  • Referral code and share links

  • Share buttons

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