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Customize Microsite Lifecycle Emails

Two lifecycle emails are created for your microsite during the auto setup process:

  • User verification

  • Password reset

You can leave these as-is, edit them, or create entirely new emails to send your users for these situations.

Add a new email

  1. In the left navigation menu, select Content.

  2. On the Microsite card, select Edit content.

  3. Select Emails in the left sidebar menu.

  4. Select Create new email template.

  5. Enter your email template ID. This should be a short, unique name to help you identify the email. It can't be changed later.

  6. Select Create.

    • You’ll be redirected to the email editor.

  7. Make your changes.


    If you want someone on your team to receive a copy of each email that’s sent to a participant, then you can select Edit to the right of the Contact Information heading and adjust the BCC field.

  8. Select Save.

  9. Replace one of the existing lifecycle emails with your newly-created email.

Edit an email template

  1. In the left navigation menu, select Content.

  2. On the Microsite card, select Edit content.

  3. Select Emails in the left sidebar menu.

  4. Select the name of the email you want to edit.

    • You’ll be redirected to the email editor.

  5. Make your changes.


    If you want someone on your team to receive a copy of each email that’s sent to a participant, then you can select Edit to the right of the Contact Information heading and adjust the BCC field.

  6. Select Save.

Replace a lifecycle email

You can decide which email templates are used for the lifecycle emails by adjusting your microsite settings in the Admin Portal.

  1. In the left navigation menu, select Content.

  2. On the Microsite card, select Edit settings.

  3. In the Lifecycle Emails section, select a new verification or password reset email using the dropdown lists.

  4. Select Save.

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