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Microsites Overview

An Advocate microsite provides a centralized place for customer advocates to sign up for your program and access the referral widget. Microsites can be used when your users do not have a way to register an account for your program.

Our microsite editor gives you control over what your end users will see and lets you customize layouts, pages, branding elements like fonts and colors, and even the domain.

Note: Microsites are useful when running partner or Performance programs. All microsites are verified access only.

Microsite setup process

You can set up your microsite in a few steps:

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Content.

  2. On the Microsite card, select Setup.

    • Alternatively, select Edit settings to make changes to existing microsite settings or select Edit Content to edit existing microsite content.

  3. Under the Auto setup section, select Setup Referral Microsite.

  4. Select Auto setup on the popup that appears.

    • Add a domain.

    • Customize the layout of your microsites and pages to give your participants an experience tailored to your brand and program.

    • Adjust the lifecycle emails that the site will send out to participants.

  5. Next, set up a Microsite.

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