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Configure Inquiry Options

To view and configure inquiry options:

  1. From the left nav menu, select Transactions → Inquiries.

  2. At the top of the main window, select the Inquiry Options tab.

  3. To edit an option, hover your cursor over the section heading and select pencil-alt-solid.svg [Edit].

Automatic Responses for Tracked Orders

Enable automatic responses — select the square-regular.svg [Uncheck box] to send automatic responses to partners if they submit an inquiry for an action that has already been tracked (Inquiries that have already been tracked will be rejected). See the additional optional responses below:

  • Select Yes, I would like to expose the channel credited to the inquiring partner to share who received credit.

  • Select Yes, I would like to expose the media credited with the action to the inquiring partner to share what received credit.

Approval Rules

Automatic Approvals—use the radio dials to select an option:

  • Select I do not want to automatically approve inquiries to disable this feature.

  • Select Automatically approve action inquiries to enable this feature.

    • Use the dropdown menu to select the partner and populate the fields to establish rules for automatic approvals.

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