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Action Inquiries Explained

Some partners can submit Action Inquiries when they believe an action hasn't tracked. They will pass an OrderID (OID) and any missing order details for you to verify and determine if an action occurred and if they should receive a payout.


Action Inquiries are limited to Cashback/Loyalty Partners and must be enabled in your account by support. Reach out to your CSM or contact support to discuss enabling this feature.

When reviewing Action Inquiries, be aware of:

  • Your Action Lifecycle, which determines when actions are Pending, when they Lock, and when Payouts are sent after locking. These time frames will apply to approved action inquiries based on the selected Transaction Date for an accepted action inquiry.

  • Accepted action inquiries with a transaction date in the past that would have already locked will retroactively lock and payout. Ensure you have enough funds in your account, otherwise the payout will be delayed and your account may carry a negative balance.

  • When an Action Inquiry is accepted, a new action is created in with details from the Action Inquiry. This new action is subject to the conditions (i.e., locking date, payout date, etc.) set in the contract you have with the partner who submitted the inquiry.

  • Each OrderID included in an Action Inquiry can be referenced against your own records to confirm whether or not the action took place.

Learn how to submit resolutions manually, in bulk, and how to send automated responses to partners’ action inquiries on orders that have already been tracked and credited.

Action inquiry FAQs

What if I use open-ended locking for my actions?

If you have an open-ended locking period for your actions, any action inquiry you approve will enter a Pending state, and then must be manually approved after accepted. To approve the action, navigate to Transactions → Pending Payouts → Actions, find the matching OID and approve the action. Alternatively, if you batch your action approvals in, ensure the action inquiries you accept are included in your file or API call.

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