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Set Financial Notifications

Financial notifications keep you informed about upcoming financial deadlines, when your account has been approved for auto-payment, and when deposits clear. These notifications appear in the notification panel accessible in the left notification bar, and can be sent to you via email or SMS.

All users with the Finance and Account Administrator access rights will receive these notifications.

Set your financial notifications

Your financial notifications are split into 2 groups:

  • Payment Update notifications

  • Balance notifications

Payment Notifications

Your Payment Update notifications will inform you of when funds can automatically be deposited into your account and when deposits successfully are deposited.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select bell-solid.svg [Notifications].

  2. In the upper-right corner of the notification panel, select cog-solid.svg [Settings] to edit notification settings.

  3. Under the Finance section, navigate to Payment Updates.

  4. Select pencil-alt-solid.svg [Edit] to make adjustments to the notification's settings.

  5. Use the angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down] to modify how often you want to receive Payment Update notifications.

    • See the Payment update notifications reference table at the bottom of this article for more information on each of these options.

    Payment update notification reference

    Payment Update Notification


    Account Auto Payment Approval Setting

    Receive notifications for when your account is approved to have automatically withdraw funds from your funding account to cover financial obligations.

    Credit Card Notification

    Receive a notification when a credit card payment fails, when the credit card is in its expiring month or when the credit card has expired.

    Deposit Cleared

    Receive notifications for when finds are successfully deposited into your funding account.

  6. If you selected Specific settings (Advanced) in step 5, set your preference for each notification type. See the table below for more information on each notification type.

    Specific settings (Advanced)




    Do not receive this type of notification.

    Individual Email

    Receive an email every time this notification is triggered.

    Daily Digest Email

    Receive a digest email daily that includes every time this notification is triggered.

    Weekly Digest Email

    Receive a digest email weekly that includes every time this notification is triggered.


    Receive an SMS (text message) every time this notification is triggered.Receive an SMS (text message) every time this notification is triggered.

  7. Select Save.

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