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Transfer Funds to a Partner

Use Partner Funds Transfers (PFTs) to send money to your partners outside of a contract's payout terms. Partner Funds Transfers are used for bonus payouts for outstanding partners, make goods to underpaid partners, performance, or for paying partners for ad placements.

PFTs are billed against the Payment Processing Volume (PPV) of the scheduled month rather than the clearing month. This means that PFTs scheduled for future placements will be deducted from the payment processing volume of the month in which they were scheduled. These usage fees only apply to brands on a monthly payment processing volume allocation.

Example: if you schedule a PFT in January with a clearing date in March, the PFT value will be counted towards your payment processing volume for January.

You can view your scheduled PFTs via two reports: Upcoming Partner Payments Report and Usage Volume by Status & Transaction Type.

Warning: Incorrectly setting up a Partner Funds Transfer can put your account into default. If you have any concerns or want to verify your setup, contact your CSM (or contact support).

Create a partner funds transfer

This feature is only accessible to specific editions or add-ons. Contact us to upgrade your account and get access!
  1. From the left navigation menu, select [Menu] [Menu] → Finance.

  2. From the left navigation menu, select Transfers.

  3. In the top-right corner, select Create Transfer.

  4. Proceed by completing the following fields:

    • Transfer to: From the [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu], select the partner who will receive the funds.

    • Program: From the [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu], select from which program this transfer should originate.

    • Event Type: To associate this transfer with a specific event for reporting, select the [Checked box] [Checked box] and choose the event type from the [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu].

  5. Enter the Transaction Details section.

    Transaction Details reference

    Field Name



    Enter the amount (and the currency in which it will be sent) that will be sent to the chosen partner.

    • If any taxes or VAT needs to be added to the transaction, or if the chosen partner's account currency is different from your account's or the transaction's, those amounts will appear here.

    • Optionally, select the [Checked box] [Checked box] if you do not want to apply indirect tax on the payment.


    From the [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu], select the type of PFT that will be sent to the chosen partner.

  6. In the Invoice Details section, set up when a transfer should occur.

    Invoice Details reference



    Invoice Month

    The invoice month chosen will cause the transfer to be included in the invoice that is generated after the end of that invoice month.

    For example, if you choose May as the invoice month, the transfer will appear on the invoice generated in June.

    The invoice month doesn’t need to be directly after the activity date; if May is selected as the invoice month, the activity date can fall between February 1 and June 30.

    Activity Date

    Select on which date this transfer should appear in your account's reporting.

    Transfer Date

    View on which date this transfer will occur.

    Transfer Now

    Select the [Checked box] [Checked box] if you want to send the partner funds transfer immediately.

    If you choose this option and set up the transfer without sufficient funds in your funding account, you'll be notified of the shortfall, and continuing will put your account into default.

  7. Optionally, [Toggle on] [Toggle on] Reporting Details to add any reporting fields to this transfer for your account's reporting. After adding the field, enter the field value.

  8. Optionally, [Toggle on] [Toggle on] Comment to add any notes about the transfer that only other brand account members will see. The chosen partner will not be able to see this note.

  9. Select Next.

  10. Confirm the details of the transfer, then select Transfer.

    • After you select Transfer, you will be redirected to the Transfers screen. You can select a Transfer row to view created transfers or select [Menu] [Menu] → Download PDF to download the transfer confirmation.


    Learn more about viewing transfer details and filtering them.  

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