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Fix iOS 14 Mobile Tracking Links

Your mobile app users may experience an issue opening tracking links if they have updated their mobile Apple device to iOS 14. When someone selects an asset in your mobile app, they may see this error message:

Note: You need a web browser installed to use this feature.

This issue occurs for users when:

  • They have Google Chrome set as their default web browser in iOS.

  • The OpenUrl API is called from your .framework library.

Temporary fix: Modify info.plist

You'll need to modify the info.plist file within your mobile app and append https as a string to LSApplicationQueriesSchemes external-link-alt-solid-blue.svg key.

Modify your info.plist file to look like the code snippet below:

<key> LSApplicationQueriesSchemes </key> <array> <string>https</string> <array>

This issue will likely get fixed in a future version of iOS, but recommends you test your links for the above scenario and make the suggested updates to your mobile app.

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