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Create a Deep Link for an Ad

If a brand allows deep linking for an ad, then you can add a deep link-encoded URL to an existing tracking link. If you already have the full tracking URL for the ad, then you can create the deep link without logging into However, if you want to create a deep link for a vanity link, then you'll need start by retrieving the full tracking URL within the platform.

Caution: highly recommends retrieving your ad code from to reduce ad code customization mistakes.

  1. To the end of the tracking link, add the value u={Encoded Landing Page URL}.

    • The format of your link should be as follows: https://{tracking domain}/c/{Account ID}/{AdID}/{Campaign ID}?u={Encoded Landing Page URL}


  2. Ensure that:

    • The deep-linked URL is for an allowed domain and path.

    • The URL is percent coded (i.e., uses valid ASCII characters).

Deep links can only be created from a full tracking URL. If you're currently using a vanity link for the ad, then you'll need to sign into to retrieve its full tracking URL first.

What is a vanity link? A vanity link is a shortened version of the full tracking URL for an asset. If allowed by the brand, you can create a vanity link from your partner dashboard.

  1. From the top navigation menu, select Content → Vanity Links.

  2. Hover over the relevant vanity link, then select [Menu] [More] → Edit.

  3. Below the Tracking URL heading, copy the URL.

  4. Follow the process above to structure your deep link.

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