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Determine your Program's ITP Compliance

The Apple Safari browser (both desktop and mobile) includes Intelligent Tracking Protection (ITP), which blocks third-party cookies. In some instances, this can affect your program's tracking and attribution abilities. Learn more about ITP.

ITP & at a glance

  • If you're tracking conversions via a legacy pixel, iframe, or image, ITP will affect your tracking — you'll need to migrate to an alternative tracking integration in order to be ITP compliant.

  • If you're using API, FTP/Email, or an eCommerce plug-in tracking integration, you're already ITP compliant.

  • If you’re using the Universal Tracking Tag (UTT) to track and report conversions, verify that your configuration matches with the instructions below.

Custom Tracking Domains

In most cases, Custom Tracking Domains are already ITP compliant if they're on the same domain as your site — third-party cookies aren't used for tracking. Follow the steps below to review your configured tracking domain.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

  2. In the right column, go to the Tracking section and select General.

  3. On the General Tracking Settings screen, find the Tracking Domain line item.


Custom domains URLs should be on the same domain as your site (e.g., for, whereas domains will be short (e.g.,,, etc.). If you have a custom tracking domain that matches your site's domain, ITP shouldn't affect your program.

Universal Tracking Tag (UTT)

If you're using UTT for your tracking solution, verify your Program Tracking Template has irclickid = {clickid} as one of the query string parameters that's appended to the landing page.

Campaign Tracking Template

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

  2. In the right column under the Tracking section, select Gateway.

  3. Find the Program Tracking Template line item. Confirm there's a query string parameter configured exactly identical (case-sensitive) to irclickid = {clickid}.

  4. If you’ve made any changes, select Save; otherwise select Cancel.

Verify the UTT is firing

  1. With your browser’s developer tools open to the Network panel/tab, copy your website's URL into your browser's URL and press Enter.

  2. In the network panel, filter the list of requests for Impact.

  3. If the UTT is firing, you’ll see a request with a 200 response code from with a uniquely named JavaScript file.

  4. Navigate to other pages on your site and verify that the UTT is firing on those pages as well.

  5. Repeat steps 1–4 with a different browser (if you have access to MacOS, try using Safari to verify the UTT is appearing).

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